My Cyclist

Robert Dempster

Our Dargle Valley Pottery Collection

I don't like SA, I love SA!

Number of images: 0
Created on: Thu Jun 12 10:31:03 SAST 2014

We first discoverd the Midlands Meander and the Dargle Valley Pottery when our family moved to Pietermaritzburg in 1984. Over the years we have visited the pottery several times, usually with the express purpose of acquiring one or more particular items. All of the visits have been memorable and the acquisitions subsequently treasured.

The most memorable visit was without doudt during a special special Midlands Meander Festival Weekend. The Pottery still had the pot bellied pig and the Hairy Legged Lentils were there to enhance the ambience. On that visit we had my mother-in-law with us and I distictly remembver her thoroughly enjoying the visit.

A couple of years ago we met and spent some time chatting to Ian Glenny, the Dargel Valley Potter. On a recent visit to a acquire a pot as a gift for my wife's 65th birthday, I mentioned some of the pieces we had that I particularly liked. I also said I would create a web page exhibiting them, and would also let him know when I had done so.

This is that web page!

This page is best viewed on a computer (desktop/laptop) using a browser together with a mouse or pointing device.
Getting it to work on a device that has a touch-screen is a problem that I still have to solve.

To view a larger image, click on a thumb-nail. Click anywhere within the browser context in order to remove it.
Starred thumbnails have an accompanying comment that pops up and remains up, while the mouse pointer is over the thumb-nail.

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Some links

Slide Show

Takes a while to load, but then proceeds quite smoothly. Looses image aspect ratio for portrait images i.e., squashes them.

If you have any comments, corrections, suggestions or plain criticism, I would appreciate it if you would communicate the same to me.

Fern Hill left fern frond E-mail address
[email protected]
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