Robert Dempster
Downpours in the Town Bush ValleyOur first experience |
Not long after we moved int our new home in the vicinity of the Town Bush and Nonsuch Roads intersection, we had a storm that dumped 80 mm of rain onto the area in a short space of time.
Ever since we witness the flooding that occurred in Pietermaritzburg during 1987 we have been mindful of devastation that such events can wreck on the affected areas. What we saw afterwards so impressed us at the time that we decided to set out and record some of the flooding scenes.
That awareness has not changed since, and we remain concerned about the extent of the damage that could occur if we experience a storm that delivers 80 or more mm of rain. We also belief that the problem is now much worse as the rapid development in the area will have significantly changed the amount of storm water that the existing systems will have to cope with.
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If you have any comments, corrections, suggestions or plain criticism, I would appreciate it if you would communicate the same to me.
[email protected] |    |      | Google+ |     | www.robdempster.com |