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Today I embarassed myself hugely when I learned that the word "Zulu" means heaven, and that by living in kwaZulu-Natal, I am in a sense already living in heaven. In reality I actually live near the top of Town Bush Road, and while that is not quite heaven, It is not a bad place to live. The roads are quite good, the streets are reasonably clean and the verges and gardens are generally well kept. Once one has negotiated the traffic in the vicinity of the traffic circle at the bottom of Town Bush Road, the driving experience further up the road, and in the suburban area generally, is not too bad.
Most evenings I walk up Non Such Road with our dogs and if one manages to ignore the fact that most of the greenery is alien, the surroundings are pleasant. The Waltdorf complex and Africa Enterprise have and continue to try and keep the aliens at bay, and should be comended for their efforts. Various individuals and the Victoria Country Club Estate have also recently participated in these efforts.
Three times a week I also hop onto my mountain bike and cycle up Non Such Road and through Queen Elizabeth Park (QEP) on a training ride. For me QEP is one of the most amazing places in the country. Entrance is free and I invariably get to see at least one of the antelope species, and of course the zebras. It is for me a little piece of Zulu, and I am indeed privileged to have it right on my doorstep.
If there is a problem in the area, for me it would be that the street lights in Town Bush Road are seldom all working (at night). But I do not let that bother me, because about a year and a half ago I attended a public Ward 25 meeting that was addressed by the then newly appointed City Manager, and the then newly elected Mayor. At that meeting, the City Manager assured those present that street lighting was close to his heart. Perhaps it should have bother me that about six months ago the City Manager did not make it to the follow-up meeting. Apparently it was because of a security issue. Who knows, it may well have been because the street lights in Town Bush Road were still not all working.
robdkznza@gmail.com | Google+ | www.robdempster.com |