thumb nail Rob Dempster
'Allo 'Allo Gardens! (AAG)
Howick (uMngeni)

AAG Blog

Raspberry Pi (Enviro)
Weather Hat
Pico W
thumb nail

This blog describes the setup of a super slimline all-in-one board (Enviro Weather) with onboard sensors that can measure temperature, humidity, pressure and light. It also accommodates two sturdy RJ11 connectors: one for wind direction and speed, and and another for rainfall.

Currently Bruce has the board and the wind and rain sensors, and he is trying to configure the system in terms of the software that has to run on the Pico W to create a functional weather recording station.

Here I should mention that prior to this I had connected hardware weather sensor hardware to a Raspberry Pi that was complete except for the hardware interface that was required for the Wind Direction Sensor (Wind Vane). This required a Analog to Digital (A2D) converter and this proved to be a Bridge too Far.

So, ...

If you have any comments, corrections, suggestions or plain criticism, I would appreciate it if you would communicate the same to me.

Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a bicycle.

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