Aloe Rob Dempster
'Allo 'Allo Gardens ! (AAG)
Howick (uMngeni)
AAG Blog
Protea Gardens'
Aloe Garden
Best viewed using a PC/Laptop

On my 'Aloe 'Aloe Gardens home page I have endeavoured to explain why after moving into a unit in the Protea Gardens complex, and named my new home page, "Protea Gardens" I realised that it had been a mistake. I had to find a new name. Doing so was not difficult as at the time, because the proteas were not flowering, and the Aloes were. hen I recalled a BBC comedy series Edith and I had enjoyed watching years ago, and I had my new name. I should add that Howick puts on a spectacular showing of Aloe blooms every year.

When I wrote that explanation I had already included Aloe flowers on the home page as one would have expected me to do. This blog endeavours to show off the Aloe flowers on the plants in their natural garden setting. Of course to appreciate their beauty fully one cannot beat standing right in front of them on a sunny winters day.

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If you have any comments, corrections, suggestions or plain criticism, I would appreciate it if you would communicate the same to me.

Fern Hill left fern frond E-mail address
[email protected] My Home Page icon Fern Hill right fern frond