Aloe Rob Dempster
'Allo 'Allo Gardens ! (AAG)
Howick (uMngeni)
AAG Blog

The Raspberry Pi’s
Rain Guage

November Rain
Guns N’ Roses
(YouTube Music Video)

Done! I finally have a functional prototype of a Rasberry Pi based Weather station up and running. I also have code written that collects the data collected by the weather station and exports it to my new Weather Station Web page.

Time to take a deep breath, and to relax for a few moments.

Since I can remember I have been building stuff, tree houses, dugouts, kites, canoes, sail boats. The list goes on ... Here I should stop and acknowledge my father’s contribution. If he had tools and materials available that I needed and he could part with, he obliged.

At the time I married Edith (1971) and moved into her first floor flat I was building amplifiers together with speaker systems. We werelistening to Credence Clear Water Revival, Crosby Stlls and Nash. Edith’s taste went beyond that and so I also got to enjoy the King’s Singers.

The we were blessed with our first born, and the music (and amplifiers) went onto the back burner for me. So did trips into town to watch the adverts (sequence of still pictures) and a movie (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly was probably the last one.). I had to build a cot, play pen, bed, swing, the list goes on. We also acquired (borrowed) our first TV in order to watch the Olympic Games. It was a second-hand valve job the came for Zimbabwe. As we watched peoples heads migrated to the top of the screen where they were squashed. Fortunately it gould be fixed by giving the box a good thump on the top right hand side.

When we finally managed to get to see a movie again (1980), the adverts were moving and probably more spectacular than the movie. We were once more listening to music, the same LP’s we left off with. The building did not stop, go-karts, more swings, more beds, concrete tunnels for Gerbils, Bantan/Floppy-eared Rabbit hutchs etc.

Forward to 2001. Edith and I were in New Zealand and I bought a music casette that was on the top of a pile in front of the check-out’s. I had found Bruce Springsteen. I had also started to enjoy Queen, and earlier i neglected to mention Jethro Tull. I should also mention that I now listened to Youth Ochestr’s, sometimes these sessions were live performances.

Now for the Nitty Gritties - along the way, from time to time, I would discover another Rock ’n Roll classic that I had missed out on. One of them was, "November Rain", now the theme tune for the Raspberry Pi Weather Station.

... that is up and running - Hallelujah!

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If you have any comments, corrections, suggestions or plain criticism, I would appreciate it if you would communicate the same to me.

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