Protea Rob Dempster Protea

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Fort Nottingham Highland gathering
and the
Benvie Open Garden

13 September 2022

On Saturday Edith and I set out to Fort Nottingham in order to enjoy some lunch and the Skirl of the Pipes. We took out two Scotties, Murray (black) and Fergus (Wheaten) with us and were surprised by the interested shown, and the attention paid to the dogs. We met some friends there, and once we had managed to secure some lunch, we were able to relax on the grass in the shade, and enjoy the Skirl of the Pipes The event has not taken place for five years, and we were taken aback by the number of folk who had arrived to supprt the occasion. Long may it continue.

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tumb nail

Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a bicycle.

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If you have any comments, corrections, suggestions or plain criticism, I would appreciate it if you would communicate the same to me.

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