Amber Valley Game Areaa

Amber Valley
Game Area
Perimeter Walk

Amber Valley Game Area

21 May 2021

Our rental home at 10 Tawny Lane is situated at the end of the Lane, and probably (if we ignore Amber Lee) is as far from the entrance gates as one could reside in The Ambers. It also overlooks the Ambers Game area and affords an excellent view of the uMngeni River Gorge. Ignoring a couple of short excursions into the Game Area, I never really got to enjoy it as a walking experience during the first five months of our stay at The Ambers. This is probably because we walk the dogs daily and they are not allowed to enter the Game Area for obvious reasons.

All that changed when moving , down-sizing, building a new home and the COVID-19 Pandemic finally got to me. In order to deal with that pressure when it arrived, I set out to walk the perimeter of the Game Park. My first walk did not see me walk the entire perimeter of the Game Area. A relapse and a second walk did, and I have to say that while walking along an electric fence is not ideal, the views one experiences during the walk are great, almost therapeutic.

For both walks I set out heading north walking along the boundary between the homes adjacent to the Game are and the Game Area itself. When I reached the most northerly point of the Game Area I met the electric fence that runs along the eastern border of the Game Area. Much of this fence is along the border between the Kwawula Game Estate and The Ambers. I followed the fence until I reached a point where it makes a right and follows the electric fence that runs along the border between The Ambers Game Area and Amber Glen. Amber Glen is a part of the Greater Ambers that sits on the hillside that eventually drops down into the uMngeni River Gorge (and XXX Nature Reserve). Initially this electric fence crosses terrain that is too step and undulating for a path, so one walks into the Game Area for a while before heading back to the electric fence. Ultimately this fence reaches the circle at the bottom of Game Drive. From there I once again walked a line between the homes along Natal Lane and Tawny Lane until I reached 9 Tawny Lane.

On both occasions the walks did what I hoped for, the views along the walk dissolved my melancholy.

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If you have any comments, corrections, suggestions or plain criticism, I would appreciate it if you would communicate the same to me.

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