A historical event happened
when a zebra mare
kidnapped a blesbok lamb

Rachel Sheard
School Report
6 November 2021

On 5 November a blesbok ewe gave birth to a lamb. At around 13:00 on 6 November a zebra mare kidnapped the lamb. Suspicions are that the zebra wants to raise the lamb as her foal was kicked to death by some stallions about a month ago. The Zebra mare was preventing the lamb getting to its mother and its mother getting to it. The blesbok ewe tried numerous times to get its lamb back, but the zebra mare blocked the ewe everytime. A blesbok ram was also chasing the blesbok ewe away from the zebra with the lamb. The zebra mare was keeping the other zebras away from the lamb, she was keeping them away to protect the lamb from being kicked to death. The zebra mare was really trying to protect the lamb.
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The Blesbok lamb
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